German mannerisms and cultural traits and military etiquette Creative Energy - On a large scale, the Germans have always been great builders and inventors. On a smaller scale, individual Germans are some of the hardest working people on the planet. GIs who occupied German positions were amazed to find some bunkers with screen doors, carpets and paneling. Thoroughness - The Germans have a saying: "Wenn schon, denn schon", meaning 'if it's worth doing, it's worth over-doing'. They are masters of organization and give great attention to detail. Orderliness - The Germans have 2 more sayings: "Ordnung muss sein", meaning 'there must be order' and "Alles in Ordnung", meaning 'everything has a place, and everything is in it's place'. They are neat and everything must go by the rules. Punctuality is another by-product; woe to the person who is late for a meeting. 5 to 15 minutes early for meetings and formations is expected. Sincerity - Germans pride themselves in their honor; they generally do what they say they will do. Firmness - More tangible terms might be 'persistence' or 'single-mindedness'. Loyalty - Loyalty to his organization, family, country and comrades is one of the things that makes the German a very good citizen and soldier. Songs - Germans like group singing and have songs on just about every subject under the sun. German soldiers sang not just march songs but hiking and folk songs about nature, comrades, country, food, alcohol and women. To Americans this kind of and amount of singing seems overly sentimental or corny. In the German army of WW 2 a lack of singing indicated poor morale. Health and nature - Germans are great fans of health and nature. They walk every day, take care on what and how much they eat. They surround themselves with flowers and trees are almost holy. Germans take health vacations for fresh air and sunshine. Table manners - Germans hold their forks upside down in the left hand, and knife in the right hand. A piece of bread is held in the left hand and break off pieces with the right hand. Both hands must remain above the table at all times. Politeness and social rules - German society was and is very formal in speech and interaction. Germans place great importance on introductions, greetings and standing when a woman enters the room. Upon leaving and entering a room you shake everyone's hand. This handshake is the one-pump, not limp, not too strong handshake. German soldiers would include a very slight bow. Hat's off to ladies out of doors (you never wear a hat indoors, except if you are carrying a weapon). In greetings and introductions you always include the person's title(s) - examples: Herr Doktor Braun, Herr Reichsminister Speer, Herr Leutnant Doktor Klein, SS Untersturmfuehrer Schmidt, Frau Keller, Fraeulein Professor Albrecht. Military discipline - The German army was at the top of the ladder in the social order and it was deemed the highest honor to be a soldier. Respect for leaders was shown at all times; leaders took care of their men and made sure they were well trained. Standing at attention and saluting when an officer comes near is expected. Regular military salutes were used mostly, but the straight-arm Nazi salute was used sometimes, along with the ''halt" style salute which was a comrade greeting (Kameradgruss). Never stand around with your hands in your pockets and look lazy. Stand up proudly and in a military manner. Speak clearly and simply to an officer or sergeant, not using hand gestures. In class you sit up straight with hands folded on the table. Waffen SS rooms and personal items were not locked up because comrades were to be trusted and stealing was a very bad offense. Professionalism - German soldiers take great pride in everything they do, and do it thoroughly, with enthusiasm. Every soldier was trained to take over the next highest rank and use their initiative when needed. The goal or objective was given to the leader, and the leader devised his own plan to make it happen - with the least amount of casualties. No leader was expected to try to take an objective that could not reasonably be taken with the resources at hand. The German army did not expect to stupidly lose men and equipment when so much time and effort was given to create it. Leaders were expected to speak up when they had questions or concerns about their men or mission. German soldiers were trained to be highly proficient in every part of their jobs, so each tool and job came naturally and could be done confidently. Differences from Americans - German soldiers hold their rifles cupped in one hand when running, not in both hands like GIs. The wedding ring is on the right hand. German commands and language Formations Angetreten fall in at attention Antreten fall in not at attention Aufschliessen antreten fall in not at attention and dress right Richt euch dress right (already in formation) Stillgestanden! (or Stand!) stand to attention! Abzaehlen count off Augen rechts Augen links eyes right eyes left Augen vor eyes front Achtung I want your attention Links um Rechts um left face right face Kehrt um about face (counter-clockwise) Ruehrt euch at ease (in formation) Stehen Sie befehl at ease (when not in formation) Das Gewehr ueber left shoulder arms Gewehr ab order arms Praesentiert das Gewehr present arms Das Gewehr umhaengen sling arms Gewehr abnehem unsling arms Setzt die Gewehr zusammen stack arms Gewehr in die Hand take arms from the stack Seitengewehr planzt auf fix bayonets Seitengewehr an ort un-fix bayonets Weitermachen as you were/carry on Melde gehorsam I wish to report Moving in formation Vorwaerts marsch forward march Rechtsschwengt marsch column right march Linksschwengt marsch column left march Halbrechtsschwengt marsch column half right march Halblinksschwengt marsch column half left march In Reihe marsch in combat column march Im halber Schritt marsch half step march Eins, zwo, drei, vier one, two (military 2), three, four Im Laufschritt marsch, marsch double time march (trot kind of running) Ohne Tritt marsch route step march (out of step) Gruppe halt squad halt Wegtreten fall out of formation (about face, take 3 paces) Battle commands Laden und sichern load and put weapon on safe (lock) Feuer (or Schiessen) fire (or shoot) Feuer frei fire at will Feinde enemy Tiefflieger (or flieger) combat plane Kampflinie make a battle line Kampfkreis make a battle circle Gerade aus go straight ahead Gehen links gehen rechts go left go right Langsam go slow Stille be silent Sei ruhig be quiet Warten Sie wait Bleiben Sie stay Hinlegen lay down/get down Deckung take cover Auseinanderziehen spread out Eingraben dig in Aufstehen get up/stand up Laufen Sie run Sofort immediately Schnell hurry Los go Jetzt now Zurueck move back Angriff attack Gegenangriff counterattack Einsteigen get into vehicle Aufsteigen get out of vehicle Vorsicht be careful Gefahr danger Zu befehl as you have ordered Jawohl yes, affirmative Ja yes Nein no Vielleicht perhaps Moeglich maybe Ich weiss nicht I don't know Alles in Ordnung everything is in order Alles bereite everything is ready Alles fertig everything is finished Beobachten Sie observe Aufklaeren Sie do a recon Scharfschuetzer sniper Haende hoch hands up Pass auf watch out Halt, wer da? stop, who goes there? nord sued ost west north south east west Herein kommen come in Raus get out Zusammen together frueh early spaet late spaeter later Gefangner prisoner Kapitulieren surrender tot dead verwundet wounded werde sterben dying Information information Frontlinie (or Front) front line Hinterland rear areas Man-made things on the battlefield MG Nester machine gun nest Bunker bunker/pillbox Stadt city Burg (or Dorf) village/town Fenster window Tuer door Wand wall Barracke (or Kaserne) barracks Strasse road Bruecke bridge Bau Bauen building buildings Flughafen airport Bauern farm/barn Schule school Kirche church Haus house Lazarette hospital Postamt post office Bahnhof train station Festung fortress Schloss castle Lager military camp Eisenbahn railroad tracks Natural terrain Wald forest Baum Baeume tree trees Berg hill/mountain Fluss river Wasserfaell waterfall Meer ocean See sea or lake Kueste sea coast Uniform Stahlhelm steel helmet Feldmuetze field cap Augenglas (or Dienstbrille) regular eye glasses Rock (or Feldbluse) tunic Hemd shirt Feldhosen field pants Hosentraeger suspenders Unterhosen underpants Feldflasche canteen Tarn camouflage Tarnjacke camouflage smock Mantel overcoat Handschuhe gloves Kopfschuetzer head protector/toque Socken socks Gemaschen gaiters Marschstiefel jackboots Stiefel boots For more uniforms click on the button 'How to fill out a Soldbuch' Vehicles Auto car Wagen vehicle or truck Panzer (or Panzerkampfwagen) tank Jagdpanzer tank destroyer Sturmgeschutz assault gun Kubelwagen jeep Schwimmwagen amphibious jeep Kradschutz motorcycle Schuetzenpanzerwagen half track Kettenkrad half track motorcycle Goulaschkannone (slang) cook wagon Zug (or Bahn) train Flugzeug airplane Schif ship Boot boat Equipment Erkennungsmarken ID disk Koppel belt Koppelschloss belt buckle Brotbeutel bread bag Zeltbahn poncho/shelter quarter tent Zeltstock tent stakes Spaten straight shovel Spatentraeger (or Spatentasche) straight shovel carrier Schanzzeug folding shovel Schanzzeugtraeger (or folding shovel carrier Schanzzeugtasche) Patronentaschen ammunition pouches Seitengewehrtasche bayonet carrier Landkarte map Meldekartentasche leather map case Marschkompass march compass Doppelfernrohr binoculars Radio radio Licht light (illumination) leicht light (weight) schwer heavy (weight) Fahne flag Glas glass Tasse cup Trinkbecker) canteen cup Gabel fork Messer eating knife Laufel spoon Teller plate Schuhfett shoe polish Tornister back pack Kochgeschirr mess tin Gasmaske gas mask Tragbruchse fuer Gasmaske gas mask canister Maskenbrille eye glasses for gas mask Bleistiff pencil Feder pen Papier paper Koppeltraggestell Y-straps Tragriemen leather straps Decke blanket Gefechtsgepack assault pack Feldtaschen lampe flashlight Kocher individual stove Nahenzeug sewing kit Fettdose lard/butter dish Rasier razor Rasierklingen razor blades For more equipment click on the button 'How to fill out a Soldbuch' Supplies Patronen ammunition Benzine gasoline/fuel Oel oil Wasser water Bier beer Wein wine Kaffee coffee Tee tea Essen food Fruehstuck breakfast Mittagessen lunch Abendessen dinner Wurst sausage Kaese cheese Fleisch meat Gemuese vegetables Ei Eier egg eggs Kartoffeln potatoes Zwiebel onions Brot bread Zigaretten cigarettes Suppe soup Schokolade chocolate Fische fish Leder leather Geld money Seife soap Bad bath Units Gruppe squad Zug platoon Kompanie company Battalion battalion Abteilung detachment Regiment regiment Division division Korps corps Armee army (group of corps) Armeegruppe army group Heer army (entire army) Wehrmacht armed forces (army, navy, air force) Luftwaffe air force Kriegsmarine navy Hauptquartier headquarters Infanterie infantry Fallschirmjaeger paratroops Panzer armor Artillerie artillery Panzerjaeger anti-tank Flak anti-aircraft Pioneere engineers Lehrtruppen trainers Ersatztruppen replacements Einheit unit Weapons Gewehr rifle Sturmgewehr assault rifle Karbiner carbine Seitengewehr bayonet Waffen weapon Morser mortar Machinengewehr machine gun Machinenpistole machine pistol/sub machine gun Pistole pistol Flammenwerfer flame thrower Hand Granaten hand grenade Bomben bombs Minen mines Kannonen cannon Panzerjaeger Kannonen anti-tank gun Panzerfaust anti-tank rocket Panzerschreck bazooka Offenrohr (slang) bazooka (stove pipe - slang) Weather Wetter weather Tag day Nacht night Minuten minutes Stunde hour kalt cold kuhl cool heiss hot warm warm Wolken clouds Sonne sun Sonnenschein sunshine Winde wind Regnet rain Schnee snow Nebel smoke or fog Countries and places Russland Russia Moskva Moscow Frankreich France Nederland Holland Belgien Belgium Engelland Great Britain Italien Italy Polen Poland Daenmark Denmark Rhein Rhine river Ungarn Hungary Griekenland Greece Afrika Africa Ostmark (or Oesterreich) Austria Amerika America Wien Vienna Donau Danube river Ostpreussen East Prussia Schwarzwald Black Forest Boemerwald Bohemian Forest Bayern Bavaria People Fuehrer leader Kommandur commander Offizier officer Soldat soldier Kamerad comrade Freund friend Artzt doctor Doktor professor Krankenschwester nurse Sani medic Polizei police Feldgendarme military police Der Spiess company first sergeant (the spear) Schuetze rifleman Grenadier motorized rifleman Flieger pilot Schneider tailor Frau wife or married woman Frauelein un-married woman Maedel (or Maedchen) young woman Junge young man Volk folk Leute people Mann man/husband Maenner men Jawohl Johann yes man alte Hase veteran (old hare) Arschloch asshole dumme Scheiss dumb shit Luftgangster parachute gangster (American paratroopers) Amis (slang) Americans Ivan (slang) Russians Musikanten musicians Burgermeister mayor Conversation Guten Tag Good day/hello Was ist los? What's happening/how are you? Bist du krank? Are you sick? Hast du Hunger? Are you hungry? Hast du Durst? Are you thirsty? Singst mir ein Lied Sing me a song naturlich naturally immer always nie never etwas some Ich habe keine Zeit I have no time Wie Uhr ist es? What time (hour) is it? Hast du Feuer? Do you have a light (match)? Bist du boese? Are you tired? Bist du muede? Are you angry? Was denkst du? What do you think? Wo gehtst du? Where are you going? Spielst du Karten? Do you plan cards? Liest du die Zeitung? Are you reading the newspaper? Was machst du? What are you doing? Was willst du? What do you want? Moechst du ein Trink? Do you want a drink? Mir ist kalt I am cold Es ist heiss It is hot Es regnet It is raining Es schneit It is snowing Es brennt It is on fire/burning Schlafst du gut sleep well Guten Appetite good appetite Das schmeckt gut? Does it taste good? Wenn kommst du nach zuruck? When are you coming back? Willst du ins Kino gehen? Do you want to go to the film theater? Hoeren Sie die Musik? Do you hear the music? Wollen Sie tanzen? Do you want to dance? Welches Lied willst du hoeren? Which song do you want to hear? Fahren Sie da Drive there Jetzt, gehts, los Now it's getting started Der Krieg ist vorbei The war is over Auf wiedersehen Good bye/See you again Bis spaeter See you later Bis bald See you soon Gruess Gott Go with God/Greet God Meine Ehre heisst Treue My honor is loyalty (SS motto) Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Fuehrer One empire, one people, one leader Deutschland ueber Alles Put Germany above everything in your life (not Germany conquers everything) Alles fuer Deutschland Do everything for Germany Es lebe Deutschland Long live Germany Gott mit uns God is with us (German army motto) Froehliche Gebuertstag Happy birthday Froehliche Weihnacht Merry Christmas Glueckliches neues Jahr Happy New Year Colors weiss white schwarz black rot red blau blue braun brown gruen green rose pink gelb yellow silber silver geld gold Numbers, time, day, month, year null zero eins, zwei, drei, vier, fuenf, sechts, sieben, acht, neun, zehn 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 elf, zwoelf, dreizehn, vierzehn, fuenfzehn, sechtszehn, siebzehn, achtszehn, neunzehn, zwanzig 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 dreissig, vierzig, fuenfzig, sechzig, siebzig, achtzig, neunzig, hundert 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 tausend, million, milliard thousand, million, billion 1.300 RM 1,300 Reichsmarks 1,3 KM 1.3 kilometers ein und dreisig 31 (1 and 30) siebenhundert 700 drei hundert Stunde 300 hours (3 a.m.) vierzehn hundert dreisig Stunde 1430 hours (2:30 p.m.) Morgen morning or tomorrow Mittag noon Nacht (or Abend) night/evening Nachmittag afternoon Heute today Heute Abend tonight Gestern yesterday Sonntag, Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Januar, Februar, Maerz, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Jahr Year 9.1.99 9 January 1999 Fruehlung, Sommer, Herbst, Winter spring, summer, fall, winter Fasching Mardi Gras Asche Mittwoch Ash Wednesday Ostertag Easter Maitag May Day (May 1 - Labor day) Oktoberfest Octoberfest (late Sep-early Oct) Weihnacht Christmas Neues Jahr New Year Remember that the German '7' has a horizontal line through the middle Remember that the German '1' looks like our '7' Remember that all German nouns start with a capital letter Remember German pronunciation: A sounds like our short O as in BOTHER AI sounds like our long I as in FINE AU sounds like OW as in HOW AY sounds like our long I as in FINE CH sound is at the back of the throat like you are clearing your throat or going to spit (not like our SH or K sounds) D at the end of a word sounds like our T E sounds like our long A as in GRAIN EE sounds like our long A as in GRAIN EI sounds like our long I as in FINE EU sounds like OY as in BOY EY sounds like our long I as in FINE G sounds like the G as in GREEN (never like the G as in GEORGE) I sounds like our long E as in GREEN IE sounds like our long E as in GREEN J sounds like our Y as in YES O sounds like our long O as in VOTE OH sounds like our long O as in VOTE OI sounds like OY as in BOY OO sounds like our long O as in VOTE U sounds like our long U as in USE (never like our short U as in UNDER) S sounds like our Z when followed by a vowel S sounds like our S at the end of a word SP sounds like our SHP put together when at the beginning of a word and sounds like our SP when NOT at the beginning of a word ST sounds like our SHT put together when at the beginning of a word and sounds like our ST when NOT at the beginning of a word SPR sounds like our SHPR put together when at the beginning of